Friday, August 21, 2009

From This Moment by IMD

New Kit from Inspired Mommie Designs in Pretty Scrappy store. It's named FROM THIS MOMENT. One of the most important days in a woman's life is her Wedding Day. She wants everything to be just perfect as she takes that walk down the aisle on her special day. From the dress to the flowers, the cake and the groom, this kit has everything you need to bring the memories of that special day to life. FROM THIS MOMENT is perfect for scrapping all aspects of any type of wedding. From traditional to modern to even a bit eclectic.

It's on sale right now for 25% OFF too! Yay! Hurry on over to Pretty Scrappy and grab this kit today!

Here is my pages

Photo by Sandragavilanes

Thanks For Looking, and Have a nice weekend All!!!!

Untuk teman2 yg menjalankan ibadah Puasa Met Puasa yaaa...


  1. Widie LO pertama keren banget deh!!! Suka ma bentuk pic-nya dan LO-nya keliatan elegan!!! Yang kedua simply gorgeous for sure!!! Suka ma warna background-nya!

  2. Suka sama dua2nya!
    Suka sama warnanya!

  3. sweet pages say....
    love the shadow work there....



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