Friday, August 7, 2009

En Voyage by Pat

Here is a wonderful new Kit from Pat Design called *En Voyage*. I really love play with this kit and I hope you like it too. This is very fantastic kits!! You can grab this kit at Scrap Et Gribouille!!

Here is my pages

Photo: My DD Akbar

Thanks For Looking and Have a great weekend All!!!


  1. Aih keren2 banget Wid.. sukaaa bnaget liat yang 2-2nya.. fotonya matching, scenenya bagus banget.... Kitnya keren ya Wid......LOnya juga cantik dech...

  2. wah abay udh bukan bayi lg ya wid...udh anak muda...kliatan gede bgt difoto...ganteng pula ^_^
    love the scene both of the lo's...great work!

  3. Liat preview kit-nya kayak kurang bagus, tapi begtu liat page-nya langsung deh... stunning!!! Keren banget!!!

  4. Wonderful scene bangetz!!!
    Abay udah kliatan gedhe banget ya, dah kayak young man gitu..he..he
    Bongsor kayak Fikri nih....

  5. Wow, keren-keren LOnya. Suka ama LO yang ke2!!! Super keren!!!



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