Monday, June 29, 2009

Juste une brise by Chouk

This is new kits released by Chouk called **Juste une brise** available at Scrapmalin.

It contains 72 elements and 20 papers. I think it's one of my favorite lol! It is fresh, bright, colorful, quite season lol! Then enjoy, it is promoting because it is a novelty!

Here is my pages using with this kits.

Photo from cmemoriesphotography


  1. Widie kreatif sekali!!! LO pertama bener2 so dreamy dan LO kedua wonderful clustering! Jadi CT-nya Chouk ya? Kit-nya bagus2 dan banyak, dulu aku CT-nya juga.

  2. Cakep-cakep LOnya. Wonderful extraction di LO pertama! LO yg ke 2 so sweet...

  3. A very great extraction buat LO yg pertama.
    Love how you placed the photos buat LO yg kedua.

  4. cakep2 semua dech Wid..... great pages.....
    Wid, jd CTnya Chouk ya? kl aku, aku dpt jg tuch kit yang ini, gr2 apply jd guest CTnya dia tp ditolak.... jd dikasi hadiah hiburan ini dech...hehehe tp belom sempet dibuat LOnya.....



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