Monday, June 15, 2009

In The Meadow by Pinay Designs

Here is the new kit of Pinay Designs called **In The Meadow** WHOA!!!!Yeaahhh!!! Look the colors!!! That's great colors here and the composition is very good with the blue and green that served at diferent, contrasting but it although the bright parts have plenty of light....very beautiful!!!
The Kit consists of 61 elements and 28 papers . Its in the stores right now.. please check it out...

3 set Of Quickpages

And My Layouts using The Kit.

Thanks for looking!!!!


  1. Sweet LOs say :) warna biru ama ijonya serasi bgt. Btw designernya org Philipina ya??

  2. Yup, love the color combination.
    Really cool page for your boys!!!

  3. Wah warnanya emang keren banget, bener2 kombinasi yang cool!!! LOs-nya keren2 as always!



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